Wednesday 1 June 2016

Mean Girls - stereotypes about girl identity & bullying

  1. Do you think male bullying is different than female bullying? How?
  1. Do you think that the media is creating female characters that are more physically aggressive than they have been in the past? What impact if any does this have on youth?
  1. Is it cool for either girls or boys to be nice? Is it cool to be mean? Discuss.
  1. Why do you think female violence is on the rise?

Does the movies show how girls really act in high school?  

Assignment:  Create a document in your Planning 10 folder on your desktop.  

Collect images of male and female youth from the internet that connect to identity. 

Collect at least five for each category and write one or two sentences that you find interesting.  How do they connect with some of the ideas that we came up with in class?  

For example:  

Many of you said that all women are gentle.  What does this look like in an image? 

Save in a document as we will re-visit this assignment. 30 marks . 

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