Tuesday 14 June 2016

Katrina's presentation to help you!


Poster - Identity

With a partner,  you will put together a poster.
Please buy a poster board from the Art teacher, Mr. S or at a stationary store.

You will examine the concept of identity as it relates to our gender and sexuality.

Think about the following parts of identity: 

  • the characteristics of men and women that you listed.  Do you see those characteristics as negative, positive and how many are created from society?  List at least five for each. 
  • stereotypes- List at least five. Are they true or not?  How does media influence stereotypes?
  • Media influence- How does media influence identity?  What messages does media reinforce about being female and male?
  • Sexuality-  Describe the range of gender identities. How are LGBT communities treated in society, and what are the rights for LGBT persons in Canada?  And more importantly, in the Saanich school district?  You will need to talk to Ms. Laws or one of the counsellors to answer this last question.

Please design a poster with images and answers to the above questions.
You will be graded on content, design and creativity.   Print out images, draw or use magazines! 

Forty marks. Due Friday, end of class. 

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Sexuality- Myths and Facts

Please read the following link for answers:


20 marks

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Mean Girls - stereotypes about girl identity & bullying

  1. Do you think male bullying is different than female bullying? How?
  1. Do you think that the media is creating female characters that are more physically aggressive than they have been in the past? What impact if any does this have on youth?
  1. Is it cool for either girls or boys to be nice? Is it cool to be mean? Discuss.
  1. Why do you think female violence is on the rise?

Does the movies show how girls really act in high school?  

Assignment:  Create a document in your Planning 10 folder on your desktop.  

Collect images of male and female youth from the internet that connect to identity. 

Collect at least five for each category and write one or two sentences that you find interesting.  How do they connect with some of the ideas that we came up with in class?  

For example:  

Many of you said that all women are gentle.  What does this look like in an image? 

Save in a document as we will re-visit this assignment. 30 marks . 

Tuesday 10 May 2016

New sites for video making.....

If moovely isn't working, try these out:



Thursday 5 May 2016

Short Animation on Stress and Mental Illness

Please hand in your interview sheets.  I just want to make sure that they are complete.
Save for the end of the year!

Next,  using either Moovly


or Animoto


You will create a short animation on the stresses that international students face when they study abroad.  Please clearly describe the stress or stresses that a student might face, and some solutions.  I am looking for creative and detailed story-telling.

You might want to start with the expectations/dreams that students before they come to a new school and country, and then the reality of being a foreign student.

Your film might focus on advice that you would have liked before you arrived to Stelly's.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

My Brilliant Broken Brain

Think about the following questions-

What kind of mental illnesses might come out of having a stroke?

When someone has a difficult life experience, they are vulnerable to a mental illnesses.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Mental Illness

You have picked one topic and are researching through the website:  mindcheck.ca

Be ready to teach your classmates in a presentation!

Include the following points:

1. Define the mental illness.

2. How does it happen?  What are the symptoms?

3.  Show the video from the website.  Ask your classmates to answer the following questions:

What is troubling the person in the story?

What are some of the things that they are experiencing?

4. Find a celebrity or famous person who suffered/has suffered from this illness?  How did it affect them?  Did they recover?

5. Please give your classmates a few questions from the quiz.....

*Make your presentation creative and interesting......add photos, videos etc as you wish *

Monday 25 April 2016

Begin Junior Achievement

Ok....Get ready and spend some time in your teams.  I will give you class time but it is up to you to play the game.  

Remember there prizes to be won!

And for your group mental health project:  www.mindcheck.ca 

Be ready for interviews tomorrow.  You will be interviewed in pairs and then hand in your questions to me. 

Monday 18 April 2016


How do you define depression ?

What is the difference between being sad and depression?

What happened to Kevin Beel?

What is a stigma?

Why is depression a stigma?

How common do you think depression is for teenagers?

How can we help someone with depression?


Tuesday 12 April 2016

Writing a cover letter & volunteer opportunities

This will be your last assignment in this unit.  Please make sure that you have finished your interview questions and practice your answers.  I will be asking you interview questions on either Thursday or Friday.

For this last assignment,  you will be writing a cover letter to apply for a volunteer position in Victoria.  This assignment is important for a few reasons. To graduate from Stelly's, you will need to write a cover letter. Additionally, you will need to have completed volunteer hours.  Finally,  when you apply to university or even for a job after secondary school, you will need to write a cover letter.

Please go to the following website and find one position that interests you.


First,  in a sentence or two for each point below, describe the job:

Organization/ type of organization

Type of task (what are you doing in the job)

How long is the job? How often do you need to be available?

When does it start?

Second,  you will write a cover letter expressing interest in this job. Please look at my example and tips sheet.

Print out the assignment but please keep a copy in your planning folder!

Friday 1 April 2016

Dream Job Poster!

Create a poster of your dream job.  Research shows that if you can visualize your goal,  the steps to make it happen will be clear. 
Make a persuasive poster.....convince me of how awesome your dream job will be! 

So your job is to make an appealing poster.  Use visuals and creativity more than text but please include the following details somewhere in your poster. Be specific. 

What is your dream job?  What is the title? Briefly describe.  

What are your duties? 

Where is your dream job?  

How much will you earn in salary? 

What is the company's name?  

You will be marked on creativity (10 marks) and information (10) marks.
Print out your poster but save a copy in your planning folder.  

Monday 29 February 2016

How does your personality influence your choices and future life?

1. Take the Myers Briggs personality test.


If you want to learn more about the Myers Briggs test, here is their website:


Here is more description on each personality type:


Here is your assignment. 

Create a word document and save in your Planning 10 folder.

1. Take the online Myers-Briggs Test. Answer each question thoughtfully and be honest with your answers.

2. Read the description of your personality type.
Once you have completed the online test, open a Word document and answer the following questions:

1. Record your score. For example, If you were INTP, include the percentage for each of the categories. I (55%) N (78%) T (60%) P (90%)

2. Summarize in POINT FORM the description of your personality type.

3. What characteristics do you agree with? Explain by giving examples.

4. What characteristics do you disagree with? Explain by giving examples.

5. List the career options for your personality type.  List at least 5 career options.

go to this website:


and click on the type under the heading “Jung Type Descriptions”

6. Do you think any of the career options are suitable for your personality? Explain.

Friday 26 February 2016

Junior Achievement Canada

Please have your junior achievement booklet done by Monday, February 29 .

pages 2- 7

page 12 - 17

If you are finished, work on any unfinished assignments for this class or any other class.

I will collect the booklets on Monday.

Monday 22 February 2016

Vocabulary for Trending Occupations

Please define the following terms:





Look up and define the following occupations:

assembly line workers

data entry clerks 

utility clerks





lab technician

non-renewable energy worker

eco-tourism guide 

environmental regulators

mobile technology engineers 

nanotechnology engineers and researchers

web designers & developers

pharmacists and pharmaceutical researchers 

Goals Summary


 1. If you could become anything you wanted, or accomplish anything you wanted in life, what would it be? What can you do to make that happen? Are you doing it? (Why or why not?)

 2. Agree or disagree: It’s better to set lower goals than to risk failure by setting higher ones.

3. What’s the difference between a wish and a goal?

4. What’s the difference between failing and being a failure?

 5. What are some good ways to deal with disappointments?

6. What is your personal definition of success?

7. Write about a time when you succeeded at something because you made it a goal and committed to it. a. Describe what happened. b. How did that make you feel? c. What did you learn from that experience? d. Did you have to overcome prior failure before achieving success?

8. What is a short-term goal you wish to accomplish at school, before you graduate high school? How will you go about achieving this goal? What steps have you already taken? What further steps will you need to take?

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Resilience Framework

To find notes for your framework.  

Look for the resilience framework document (half way down the page) 


Thursday 11 February 2016

The power of Resilience - creating success in your life

What is resilience?  

Be ready to define resilience after watching this video:


Here is a great website   http://www.boingboing.org.uk/index.php/what-is-resilience

For teenagers:


All of these TED Talks touch on the qualities of resilience.

Write a summary paragraph on one of the following TED Talks:

From this website: http://traviswright.com/best-ted-talks/

BrenĂ© Brown – The Power of Vulnerability 

John Wooden: The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action 

The Key to Success, Grit:

The Power of Motivation:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sxpKhIbr0E

Overcoming Hopelessness:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P2nPI6CTlc

The Art of Being Yourself:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veEQQ-N9xWU

If you find another interesting video, please let me know!

Your Assignment 

In a paragraph  (at least 8-10 sentences), please answer the following:

How do you define resilience?  

What is the topic of the talk that you picked?  

Name two important points from the talk.

Connect the two important points to your own life.  

How can you be more resilient in your life? 

First, hand write your paragraph.  Show me for editing.
Next, type out your paragraph.
Finally, find a picture to represent resilience and save with your paragraph.  Please save in your Planning 10 folder.

Friday 5 February 2016

Great talk to understand goals!

Many of you would like to improve your English level and skills.  This is a good talk to understand how specific actions will lead to improved language learning.  Enjoy!


Tuesday 2 February 2016

To create a prezi


This is Me! Assignment #!

You will look at your life now and what will be the same or different in 20 years.

1. Be sure to list one value, interest, skill and goal that you have right now.  Will they be different or the same in 20 years? 

2. You will write down 4 goals to reach by the time you are 35 years old. 
How will you reach those goals?
What can you do to work towards those goals?  

3. Please create a powerpoint or prezi.  

Be sure to list one value, interest, skill and goal that you have right now. 

If helpful you can divide it in the present and the future.  Use photos to show how you are in the present and where you would like to be in the future.

Check my rubric for more guidance. 

This assignment is due on Monday, February 8.  Please finish the hand-out and your presentation.  Be ready to share with your classmates.